Greek Life

Greek Life at Pacific aims to foster the learning and development of students who are affiliated with social and professional fraternities and sororities on campus. Fraternity & sorority life will provide opportunities and support for our community to contribute to fulfilling the mission of the university. 

social greek
Social Greek Organizations

Social fraternities and sororities are great opportunities for students to make a lifetime of friendships. Most social fraternity and sorority values are centered around leadership, community service, brotherhood, and sisterhood. Find the one right for you! 


Multicultural Greeks

Multicultural Greek organizations promote diversity and multiculturalism within their membership and provide students with the opportunity of building meaningful relationships. Multicultural organizations typically focus on brotherhood and sisterhood through academic excellence, community service, mentorship, and networking. Learn more about Multicultural Greeks at Pacific! 

omega delta phi
professional greeks
Professional Greeks

Are you looking for an organization that focuses on your career interests? Pacific is home to 13 professional fraternities that focus on the interest of a particular profession. Professional fraternities give students the opportunity of networking with like-minded individuals. Find out which professional fraternity is right for you. 

Greek Housing

Greek housing at Pacific allows sorority and fraternity members to engage in community living with their respective brothers and sisters. Residential Life and Housing owns and operates four out of the six Greek houses on campus: Alpha Phi, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Chi, and Theta Chi. Students must be members of the Greek organization they wish to reside in.  

Greek Housing

Primary recruitment for all councils takes place in the fall semester and each Greek organization has a specific process for recruiting new members. Learn more by attending information sessions for the organizations you are interested in joining. 

Interested in bringing a new Greek organization to Pacific? You can start by visiting the organization’s national page that you are interested in or the National PanHellenic Council, National PanHellenic ConferenceInterfraternity Council, and the Multicultural Greek Council for their rules on expansion.  

For more information, you can also contact Jesse Magaña, Director of Student Leadership & Involvement at  

Anti-Hazing Information

University of the Pacific does not condone hazing of any kind. Hazing by any student, group of students, alumni, advisor, or organization, including fraternities and sororities, is prohibited.

Annual Reporting

The California Campus-Recognized Sorority and Fraternity Transparency Act (AB-524) requires any institution of higher education with recognized fraternity and sorority organizations to include requirements for recognition and submit specified information concerning the organizations’ members and their conduct. Follow the link below to read our 24-25 report.